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Default 08-12-2003, 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by bukdez
despite how annoying this conversations is, i'll bite..... what makes the STG44 a n00b weapon? ok i said it, flame away!
In realism the general consensus is that the Axis MG is far too easy to get kills with, particularly when a player camps with it.

I'd have to say that I felt this way about the gun a while back (I always thought it wasn't balanced with the rest of the weapons) but the more I've played CKR or Area 5 the more I've come to realise that the Bar or Garand are just as powerful, in the right hands.

That's why a lot of people refer to the STG44 as a noob gun. It's easy to pick up for noobs, it doesn't particularly require a great deal of skill to get kills with and it has the largest margin for error.

But, it's not the most powerful gun. I'd say it's comparible with about 4 other weapons, at best.

As I said in my post before, there is no "best" gun.

Some weapons have a lower skill cap (for example shotgun, and to a lesser extent, SMGs) meaning they take less time to learn and will only take your ability so far before you can no longer improve your skills.

But this doesn't mean these weapons aren't "better" than the ones that require more time to master or offer more scope for improvement of your playing ability.

My "best" gun would have to be the SMGs. I don't like using them anymore because I cannot improve myself much more with them (and SMG gameplay no longer interests me). But for diversity they are hard to beat.
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