01-24-2002, 09:41 AM
It is funny reading little kids arguing on the internet about who has 'mad skillz', etc. I mean, talk about PATHETIC. Look what you guys are writing, how can you honsetly be sitting at your computer thinking you 'got someone' or 'showed someone up' after typing your stupid shit.
Wow are you guys pathetic, sad, losers.
I suggest you guys TURN THE COMPUTERS OFF FOR ONCE, then go outside. I know, the sun will at first hurt your eyes and sting your pale, white skin, but you need the fresh air....and maybe, just maybe, you will actually see or even TALK to an actual, LIVE GIRL, instead of having cyber sex with them over the 'net(BTW, you guys are most likely have cyber sex with eachother, I do not think there is a girl out there doing it, most likely one of you guys acting like a girl).
Their moms must give them a ton for allowance to buy the game!!!
[This message has been edited by divisionbell77 (edited January 24, 2002).]