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Default 08-12-2003, 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by KingWade
Originally Posted by Ydiss
Reasons why General Discussion forum should be removed altogether:

1) It's dead
2) Whenever new topics are started they are only ever about 3 things:

a) Cheaters
b) New servers
c) Online petitions

3) 25% of them get locked.
4) There's nothing new to talk about.
5) This topic

I suppose once Breakthrough comes out this forum will liven up for about 3 weeks while everyone bitches about how crap it is.

As I think ED has mentioned before, if only it were possible, this forum should be merged with the Tech forum.

"Technical and General discussion forum - Come here to ask questions about any technical difficulties you may have with MoH:AA and to bitch about annonymous cheaters".
But if its removed then we have to deal with all these pepole that post online petition and pepole complaining about cheaters in better places like offtopic and we dont want that
Nein, they'd get told not to post about it because it's not offtopic... Which happens now.

Then, if it continued, they'd get ein bannen.

I enjoy the new regime around here. Ever since the liberators have taken over this war-torn forum they've kicked the shit out of any trouble makers and have cleaned the place up.

It's still full of shitheads, but they're shitheads I like.
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