Thread: IQ TEST
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Default 08-13-2003, 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
LOL Eight Ace

On Emode's classical, I got 135; "super IQ", 133.

Sorry to dissapoint you, but Emode's IQ test is NOT an iq test because it
doesn't strictly measure computational power. Look at it this way: a 5 year
old might have a very high iq and yet fail to get a respectable score on it
because he doesn't have the necessary verbal/world knowledge required to
answer all non-logic based questions. Also but not related to that, some of
their questions have MULTIPLE answers that were not given in the answer
choices. That, my friends, is the result of poor design or me looking to far
for possibilities ;-)

Take the Mensa tests at the following adresses and you will quickly see why: (Take it in French- the test is all logic so don't worry about language)
True. Their is no such thing as a standardized test cause people view things in different ways. This is especially true for young children who are given test yet they can see something completely different then the adult who formulated the test.

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