Thread: Vickers
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Default 08-13-2003, 10:45 AM

Vickers 5. Mkv 1933rd characterisation for the British heavy tank between the two world wars. The water chilly system was closed on that of the voertuigmoter. but this is fat 5 loopse boorwape. Vichkers mk1/English. In use of 1912-'65. Geillustreerd the version from end Wo2 is with all atrubuten, which tevens karakterstiek are vooor other water-cooled moddelen. A snake leads steam to the condenser for reuse. Resisted schaalviezier to the bovekant of tail end using compass surveys a fire range to of 4,100 m. (4,500 yd) with Mk8z-munitie. complicated but famous for its reliably driven but this a another model this is is heavy machinegeweeer on pootjes but that is a another type which does not stand on the blade in my wapenensyclopedie.

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