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TheGreatHio is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-24-2002, 05:50 AM

Dear 2015,
I am starting this petition for one purpose and one purpose only, the removal or limitng of sniper rifles from the Omaha Objective-match map. (obj/obj_team3) When it was announced that Omaha would be a multi-player map I was both happy and distressed, because Omaha has always held some of the largest potential for any multi-player map ever. Without a doubt, the intentions of the map are to pit an allied force against an axis force, with the allies having to run up Omaha beach under heavy machine gun fire, as it was in real life. However, no matter what incarnation Omaha appears in, it ALWAYS turns into a sniper fest. The axis cannot safely approach their machine guns(intended to be their main advantage) because there is always an allied player huddled in the higgins boat, behind an obstacle, or even in the water behind the higgins boats with their crosshairs trained on the Axis machine guns, waiting for an axis player to take hold of one. The moment that player does they are almost instantaneously killed. Now it is not only limited to the bunkers, any axis player that moves their head above cover is almost always killed by an allied sniper. Not only does this seriously detract from the fun-factor of playing as axis, it also removes the axis’ main advantage. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, like every other attempt at a D-day map before it, has failed at re-creating the situation in a fun and playable form. It is my sincerest hopes that 2015 will not simply dismiss this petition, but rather that they join a server and experience first had how frustrating the map can be for an axis player. I realize that removal of sniper rifles from the d-day map could be considered an extreme solution, therefore I have listed a number of alternatives (any ideas I am made aware of will be added to the list)

1) Removal of sniper rifles from both teams.
2) Removal of sniper rifles from allied team.
3) Create an invisible wall around the 2 main axis bunkers, in which bullets may pass out of, but not into the bunkers (this would allow the axis to mount the machine guns without fear of being sniped, but would allow the allies the keep the sniper rifle, this is my personal favorite solution.)


**NOTE: Anyone who replays to this thread will be considered supportive of it, and your name will be added to the petition. You have been warned.**

[This message has been edited by TheGreatHio (edited January 24, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by TheGreatHio (edited January 24, 2002).]
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