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How to spot a cheater (Ie TeamGod)
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Default How to spot a cheater (Ie TeamGod) - 08-13-2003, 02:42 PM

Ok, as you all know I'm no advocate of anonymous "cheat lists" whereby a load of random IPS are posted in some vague attempt to stop people cheating.

Well, this post is not about that. It's not about stopping cheaters and it's not about a witch-hunt - However, it is more tangible than "Banned for using Ronald Mcdonald Skin". You could use the little tricks I use to get a better idea about a suspected cheater, so I suppose it has some use.

Whatever, I am here this evening to show some short clips of a player that I recorded today, with a wallhack enabled.

The player in question is a "_Garkmell_". I was playing on a sniper only server when he pops in and after about 20 kills I realised something was a little fishy with him.

A few "fake peeks" later (all of which he fell for) I said "Ah, I see..." and he immediately replied: "I am in Teamgod" and started spouting the TeamGod phrases that I've no doubt you'll all be aware of.

To this I warmed my hands... I'd been looking forward to a TGay member joining a server I was in - Particulaly as I did not have Ydiss as my name so he could not have known it was me - So, I started up FRAPS.

First off here are two screenshots of him claiming who he is:

I'm not really interested if he's telling the truth or not (He is from Europe, I wasn't aware they had members from here - It's likely he isn't, but he seemed devoted to them anyway), but it's still funny to watch him fall for the simplest of tricks.

Just a side note, feel free to spam his AOL account (seen in the first screenshot).

Here is the first video. Fairly inoccuous stuff, this one. He's obviously shooting at something, perhaps it's the wall directly in front of me that he is angry at? Whatever it is he is so distracted by it that he fails to notice someone behind him about to shoot his head off. [2.08MB]

Here is a much more incriminating clip (However, he could still just have guessed from hearing the door, so still not iron-clad). Yet again, he's so mesmerised by the empty space in the window he just shot at that he gets shot from behind, in almost identical fashion. [746KB]

TeamGod surely do own all.

Next up a clip in slow-motion. Blatent. [928KB]

Again, this next clip is in slow motion to highlight the best way to catch cheaters red-handed (litterally). He falls for the fake peek twice here before finally killing me with the third shot. Good reflexes there, son. So good you shoot before I appear. [1.78MB]

This clip is in spectate on him. This is hilarious. [1.03MB]

What are you shooting at? Did that door call your mother a cheap, rabid whore? Whatever it did it felt the wrath of TeamGod and paid the price for being in the way of the little red man that miraculously appears seconds later around the corner.

And finally, the most blatent and incriminating sequence I have ever had the pleasure to watch. Only the truest newbies are capable of such laughabaly obvious cheating. [1.34MB]

TeamGod shows its power again, in all its glory. Poor tank didn't know what hit it...

What use was this post?

None really, except just to laugh at. I seriously doubt this buffoon really is in TeamGod. I'm semi tempted to post these clips on their forum but I honestly don't see the point.

He categorically denied cheating. He said that TeamGod are always accused of cheating and it's just because they are good and they own the net and blah-de-fucking-blah.

Well, if this child was a representative of the fabled and oh-so-glorious organisation that is, then I can understand why they are so frequently accused and banned.

I wouldn't put it past them... After all this is the clan that GODKEVIN belongs to. The same GODKEVIN that tried to fool this whole forum by posting a doctored screenshot where he added a "5" to the end of his score to make it look like he had gotten over 2000 kills (instead of just 200).

The very GODKEVIN who forgot to use the same font as the rest of the screenshot.


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