08-13-2003, 05:38 PM
[quote=Strik0r][quote="Silent_Death":232f5]I can tell you are a fat nerd who wants to play paintball alot but doesn't wanna leave his house, so you are trying to play paintball through a video game! mwah:[/quote]
i can tell you are the most worthless piece of horse shit to pollute these boards today.[/quote:232f5]
First off fucktard, don't you ever call me names you fucking piece of shit! Who the fuck do you think you are just because you're some admin or mod at the worst forum on the net, lol fucking bitch stfu you fucking panzy. Go ahead ban me, actually don't need to because I never come to this shitty forum anyways, it has nothing to do with mohaa and the admins and mods are immature fags. Lol cya at [url="http://www.modtheater.com"]http://www.modtheater.com[/url], the civilized ONTOPIC mohaa related good forum
BTW Strk0r out of all the mods and admins you are the most immature!