08-14-2003, 02:48 AM
gg Simo! The first idea I have to clean things up around here is lay down the law. I am like you. been here for a while and come here only to help people trying to learn to mod or to release or get ideas on my own mods. heres a list that may help.
1. Make sure it is understood that the modders that post here are posting here to give thier hard work out to other people FOR FREE! Stop all the name calling and viscious reviews. If the post or tip isnt constructive in any way shape or form. then it should not be posted in the first place.
2. Remove the people who come here only to flame and start arguments. They are doing noone any good and in the end always look stupid for thier efforts.
3. Have all the people that have been around for a while meet in a chat room or on a messenger service and discuss with them the need to be an example to follow. If the Vets act like children then the new people will too.
4. DO NOT give absolution to ANYONE. if they screw up, regardless of the fact that they are a freind. then warn them or punish them in the same manner you would anyone else. Can't play favorites or it will get out of hand with some people. Weve all seen it happen with previous moderators.
thats about all I can think of right now. maybe it will help.