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Sniped Ur Azz is Offline
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Default 08-14-2003, 08:06 AM

Well, you asked for my opinion so I am gonna express it. Please do not flame me for what I am going to say.

1. I believe that the main problem with this place is, everyone tries to be a hard ***. Everyone wants to OWN this place, if you know what I mean? If people would just let Bull**** post go, then there would be ALOT less flamming and closed threads because of it. Just dont listen to people that trash, and IMO the moderators, need to be moderators and not bossy lil punks that think they can control someone. The thing the moderators have to understand is, this is a forum on the internet for a Game I CHOSE to spend my money on and buy. Well, then why do I have to come here and sit through totrure and have to file through flamming and closed threads just to get to a usefull thread? It isn't right.

2. Mods need to just STOP BEING AN ***! Dont boss us around like it is being done. It just CAUSES more problems.....want an example? Well here is 2, the thread entitled "Totally AGREE" was posted by a guy named DeadlySiner. He was simply expressing his viewpoints towards this forum, and yet the first words out of a moderators mouth was "jesus h christ shut your fucking trap" by Strik0r. Now why was he like that? Because he has SOME power and he abuses it. If a moderator wanted to close it, he could have been alot nicer about it. Cmon little kids browse these forums too. I dont want my little brother to come here and see fowl language such as that.

3. Moderators need to be rethought, the ones that exist now are not fit for the job, they need to be flushed out. Not saying you Simo, seeing as I do not know how you mod yet, but your starting out in a kick *** way by asking us, thanks.

Thanks for your time and I wont be suprised if I get flammed, but I dont care anymore you asked I answered.

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