01-24-2002, 08:56 AM
I think the guys who say that the Springfield has disadvantages and can be countered are not getting the main issue here.
The point is, the map was designed to recreate the Omaha beach landing of June 6, 1944. The map designer placed 4 MG42 guns for the Axis to use to help repel the Allies from making it to the "shingle". When the Allies have no limit for the number of snipers on their team, there are invariably some number of players who choose to sit in or near the Higgins boats and simply place their crosshair on an MG42 and wait.
The MG42's were put on this map to be USED. Think about it - when you jump on a server with more than 8 people that is playing Omaha, do the Allies EVER have trouble blowing the shingle? NO. EVERY server you go on, the Allies will do that in the first 10 seconds of the map; the rest of the round will be the Allies trying to plant the explosives. At this point, things are a little more even because the fighting becomes mostly CQB where machine guns, rifles, or shotties are the way to go.
If you were to either a) fully disabled Allied snipers or b) limit the team to ONE sniper, the Allies would have more of a challenge completing the first objective.
If that still does not convince you, remember this: The emplaced MG42's are NOT that good. The rate of fire in-game is NOTHING compared to what the ROF was in real life; in MOH they fire at something like 800RPM, where in real life they were about 1600RPM. So with the Axis manning these guns a LOT of Allies would still be able to get by. But like I said - it would be more of a CHALLENGE (the way the map creator meant it to be) for the Allies to make it to the shingle, instead of running straight to it in 10 seconds because they have 3 snipers watching all the MG42's.