08-14-2003, 12:40 PM
not sure if this is a joke anymore so ill say what I know.
yeah you can just rename the sound to exactly like the one in pak3 to mod any single sound.
say for instance though you want the m1 garand to reload witha clip and youve already done the work of changing the animations around (quite simple once ya figure it out) and you want the garand's reload sound to be the same one you used for the BAR. in the tik there is a line under the reload skc's line where it sets what sound to use.
entry sound bar_snd_reload
just use the bar's line instead of the garand's like above in the tik and they will both use the same sound. same goes for any sound (all are declared in the tik) including fire, ammopickup, weaponpickup, empty, etc.