Thread: AACOM 90210
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Default 08-15-2003, 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by ED
You obviously do care so we wont buy the "Rant, rant, rant, whine, piss, my panties - oh but I realyl dont care" tactic you've chosen to use, but that's not here nor there.

Fact: Badscripts reaction to this has been discussed in other threads, and quite frankly should be discussed in a same thread pertaining to the overarching topic at hand. This is a big topic to some people for whatever reason, so I've given them a repository to speak their minds. DOZENS of threads, meandering back and forth about the SAME DAMN TOPIC is spam in my mind. Add that to the fact that I'm not about to give dozens of haters multiple areas with which to spew their vitrol and animus.

Good day sir.
Thats what im trying to say if u could actually comprehend what is being written. I said that u if ur gonna close one why not close all of them? So why dont u get lay off u shitbag.
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