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Confused ?
Spartan61 is Offline
Posts: 75
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Rochester, NH
Default Confused ? - 08-15-2003, 03:23 PM

A custom map xxxxx.pk3 contains the elements of the map. I have seen that some CONSTANT files such as a script .scr which the system loads automatically with your configuration, are ALSO contained in a mappers .pk3 file. This to me would mean the mapper is trying to load an element that should already exist on my system. The must confusing being the localization file which changes the sayings you see when a player is killed. Like normally it might say 'xxxx stepped on his own grenade' and I have modified my localization to say in the same circumstance 'xxxx should not be allowed to play with explosives'. Adds some comedy to the battle.

That is why I question why a mapper would put a localization file within his .pke file. Does it change mine ? Not good. So thats why I'm asking the community to help me out here. Thanks for your viewing.

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