Thread: Fire is hot.
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Fire is hot.
Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default Fire is hot. - 08-15-2003, 04:59 PM

So today during training we go into our flashover simulator. Flashover, for those that are uneduc... uneduca... stupid is the rapid transition from a growing fire to a fully developed fire, so in other words, when the room you are in is suddenly engulfed in fire. Flashover is very, very, very hot... very. It gets to something like 900 degrees F. So to show us the warning signs for flashover, seeing as flashover kills firefighters, they stick us in a giant cargo box and let us watch, and feel, a flashover. There is another cargo crate, which is about three feet off the ground, and that's where they put the combustibles, and we watch a fire grow and then flashover. It gets as hot as Satan's asshole. But, it was also cool watching the fire go over our heads... you can see it through the insanely thick layers of smoke. If there were combustibles, things which can combust... (be set on fire, for the complete retards) in our little box, the whole place would have been burning, us along with it. Yeah... I forgot what my point was... but fire is somewhat toasty.
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