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I've found a new girlfriend
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Default I've found a new girlfriend - 08-15-2003, 11:25 PM

Her name is the C6 GPMG or General Purpose Machine Gun for you civies out there.

This thing is bloody amazing. Shot it at the range today and it is the most accurate weapon I have fired yet. Thats scary for a machine gun. This thing can give indirect fire up to 1.8km. That is nuts to have 7.62mm bullets raining down on you and you can't even see the gunner. These things are so beautiful; to look at and to fire I wish I could sleep with it. ... uSection=5

Just look at that beauty. It sounds so nice and its kick is just right.

I go to Wayneright for those who are wondering on Sunday for a 1 week Field Training Exercise (FTX). I will get about 10 hours of sleep total during the entire week, but I will be firing the Karl Gustav SRAAW (Short Range Anti Armour Weapon) AKA Rocket Launcher with live rounds on the range as well as chucking M67 hand grenades. I'll be digging a trench for 8 hours and then do section attacks for a few hours. Man its going to be awesome. Were doing Recce patrols as well. I can't wait.

Hope everyone is well. And don't swear in this thread because if you do I can't read it like my last thread because of some internet blocker thingie. I'll be back on the boards regularly in about a week and a half. Until then happy trails to you.
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