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[NSR]Col.Virgo is Offline
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Location: Toronto, Canada
Default 08-15-2003, 11:43 PM

Fine work as always, Ydiss, your Xcoutryard is defintely the best ffa map out there (2bad nobody likes ffa; it's a real challenge).

What TEAMGOD wants is attention. I've found if you ignore them, they'll go away.

So in the spirit of the Tgay OWNED forum, allow me to share our experience with you. It is, I'm sure you'll agree classic TG. Their playbook isnt all that big after all.

Our server ( CKR 1.1), like most, was attacked one day by TEAMGIMP. We had moved servers and I hadnt yet installed {MOB}Druid's anti sub hack mod.

I was annoyed, but I didnt lose my head. I also didnt converse with them. This is what they want, a reaction. They love it when people accuse them of cheating. It allows them to spout their dogma like some communist party aparachik. Ive talked to Dr.Phil about it and he says its a classic case of negative attention seeking behaviour. I noted their IP's (you cannot, btw use a proxy or otherwise completely mask your IP when you play MOH. Your ip can change everytime you connect, but the root, i.e. your service provider, remains the same.) and reported them to their ISP's abuse department. I also, for good measure, bounced a few pings off their computers to get their attention.

The SubHack is a form of denial of service and as such is potentially a serious crime in most jurisdictions. While I realized my one little complaint to a large company wont acomplish much by itself, I hoped in combination with other efforts it might result in Daddy pulling the plug on Johnny's new Alienware.

A few days later a lone Tgimper came in and threated to crash the server (in caps no less!). Once again, I said nothing. I just waited. Nothing happend. Waited some more. No sub. I didnt have to boot him this time, he left, his little tail tucked between his legs.

We havent seen them since. I checked their OWND hall a while ago and was mildly dissapointed that we did not merit that high honour. Sad to see our friends at VX9 be victimized by them.

The only thing that bothers me about TGIMP is how long they played in leagues before being found out.

Thanks again Ydiss, its b/c of MOH Masters like you that this great game hasnt degenerated into CheaterStrike.

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