Thread: ED vs the World
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Tripper is Offline
General of the Army
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 08-17-2003, 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Ok, here's Arkans definition of a "wigger".
A wigger is a white guy acting like some dipshit from the hood. He'll talk slang like, dress in baggy ass hanging pants, wear gold medalions from his skinny neck, wear a du-rag, listen to cr..i mean rap music real loud, drive some riced out piece of shit nissan with a coffee can for a muffler and a retarded wing that does nothing.

Now, i don't know Tripper enough to call him a wigger. He may be an upstanding white guy who's proud of his heritage that happens to like rap music. As for the people on Long Island, most are normal people (black & white) but a few are total assholes who need daily beatings.
Sounds about right.

....and, yes, I'm very white - very proud of my European heritage (Mainly Scottish - French).

....and I happen to like rap music, because down here, it has always been, well, since I can remember, a mainstream genre. I grew up on De La Soul, Tribe and KRS tapes.

People need to stop and think for a second - What makes me a Wigger? REALLY?

I use correct english grammar and spelling, when posting on here. Unlike a lot of you.
You know nothing about how I dress, walk, talk or any of my mannerisms.

So really, all you have to go on me, is that I like rap music.

I think you all know I'm not a wigger, even Bean knows.
It just turns up in flames so often that I think people just use it against me in flames, simply because it's the only thing they can think of using against me.

....In other words, there is an abundance of originality towards flaming moi.

GG Guys.
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