Thread: ED vs the World
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Default 08-17-2003, 01:55 AM

Who fucking cares? are you gonna call me a skinhead because I keep my hair short, listen to punk, and enjoy tattoos? What the fuck man? Get a fucking life if all you have to do on these forums is call someone a wigger. I could MAYBE understand if he was your neighbor and you two had been in a feud of some sort about his rap music being too loud. but goddamn if you didnt call him that for no good reason other than to act big and bad. In the end your only going to look like a bitch either way if ya keep this flamin goin so the best bet would be to just shoosh now and save some face.

Oh and before you flame me or tell me to "stfu" realize that I could give 2 shits what you think or say about me. I hate myself fully and with all the intensity needed for one person, so whatever you say about me will only pale in comparison to what I could say about myself.

Good day sir!
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