Thread: ED vs the World
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Bean 2 is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Originally Posted by "Bean 2":c3ec0
a hick from long island new york. WOW ur a fucking genius. A regualer einstein. Fucking dumb shit. I guarantee ur a wigger. Ur right ive never seen u but i bet that u walk around like all these fucking homos thinking ur tough shit meanwhile ud get ur ass kicked if u ever stepped into a ghetto.
Didnt you know, If you use the word wigger and youre a white man from america, no matter where you live youre automatically a hick inbred shit or something or other? Generally I had thought that hicks were from states other than the North East, but fuck dude we missed the boat on what makes a hick supremist and what makes just a regular long island kid that is fed up with baggy fubu pants and rap music.
I miss your point - If you're agreeing with Bean, you have some serious issues.

None of you people understand what a fucking Wigger is, first of all. Second of all, you don't know shit about me, so don't even try to fucking label me.

It is some of the most IGNORANT shit ever, to call a guy a WIGGER just because he listens to rap music. For fucks sake - I was brought up on it, it's not a fucking fad to me.
I just prefer it over other music, get the fuck over it you fucking hate-mongers.

Why do you spend so much time bitching like little fucking girls about OTHER people, when you could be worrying about your fucking selves.[/quote:c3ec0]

Im sorry i called u a wigger but i assumed with everyone saying u were and the way u presented urself i thought u were. Secondly im not hick from Long Island cause i think thats pretty much impossible. Also u statement at the end about how everyone should worry about themselves. I agree with u but i believ u came into this when me and ed were having problems so dont give me that bullshit about worrying about themselves. Maybe u should practice what u preach if u want to be a good mod. A good mod would have either stayed out of the arguement between me and ed or told us to stop. A good mod would have never got into the fight too.
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