Thread: ED vs the World
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Default 08-17-2003, 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
I miss your point - If you're agreeing with Bean, you have some serious issues.

None of you people understand what a fucking Wigger is, first of all. Second of all, you don't know shit about me, so don't even try to fucking label me.

It is some of the most IGNORANT shit ever, to call a guy a WIGGER just because he listens to rap music. For fucks sake - I was brought up on it, it's not a fucking fad to me.
I just prefer it over other music, get the fuck over it you fucking hate-mongers.

Why do you spend so much time bitching like little fucking girls about OTHER people, when you could be worrying about your fucking selves.
I wasnt agreeing with Bean I was stateing that Hicks usually are from the south and not some loud mouth kid from long island biggrin: People tend to make assumetions on people do to their music. When I hear country music in a car what do I think? I think wow must have a gun rack in that ford F-150. And If I hear jazz I think that that person has more advanced musical taste. Of course your music influences people's thoughts upon you.
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