08-18-2003, 01:26 AM
Ok guys. YES I do have a working Grease gun finished. YES I was going to release it. YES I have recieved all the pm's and emails about it and the folding stock carbine. now heres my explanation.
As of late I have had a life changing crisis in the form of my fiancee' leaving me for no reason. This has turned my world upside down and kind of downgraded everything else in life. I still get online but not nearly as much as I used to. Most of the time I find myself sitting here staring at a picture of me and her together and weeping like a school girl who broke a nail. I know what your thinking. "Why is he telling us this?" well the answer is simple. I chose for the first few days ( hell its been weeks now) to deny it as something that we would work through and get over. Now I realize I must face the fact that I am totally alone and have wasted several years of my life. I devoted everything to this girl and had my life in the future planned soley around her. Now I have no drive, no ambition, no goal. The sheer fact that I am lost within my own thoughts is enough to drive me crazy. I am highly depressed still and quite uninterested in releasing any mods for the time being. I did not reply to your emails/pm's because I could not, with all my heart reply. I was afraid that my emotions would get involved and I would end up offending one or all of you in the process of replying. I will say I have recieved well over 50 emails and around 100 pm's requesting those weapons I have done. Yet I still cannot bring myself to submitting it or sending it out. I just dont have it in me anymore, and I am truly sorry.
As for the future I have no idea. Maybe I will finally get over this and get back on with life, or maybe I will sulk on it until I am 40 and a sad misshapen person. Give me some time to just get my shit together and maybe then I will feel the need to give life to your requests again. I just cannot be that guy right now. Once again I am sorry and I hope you understand all this. You younger guys will probably think I am blowing this out of proportion, but I am nearing 25 and was planning on being married in less than a year. I have been with this girl exclusively for over 3 years ....fuck see, I just can't get over it. "I have been with..." I HAD been with her. anyway. I hope this explains it all for you.