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Default 02-24-2002, 03:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HateBall:
Hi Gamers!

I have a SB Audigy and solved MY problems by adding the following command line option to the MOHAA shortcut:-


This instructs the Quake3 game engine to disable DirectSound & use windows WAV file output only. I can't hear any difference in sound quality, but my copy of MOHAA now plays like a dream, even at 1280x1024 on my GeForce3 with every detail level turned up full! ;-)

PS. For those of you interested...

My System Spec:-
- ASUS A7A266 Motherboard (ALi Magik1 chipset)
- AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz
- 256 Mb PC2100 DDR RAM
- 10 Gb UDMA100 Hard Disk (C
- 40 Gb UDMA100 Hard Disk (D
- Toshiba 16/48 DVD-ROM
- Teac 12x10x32 CD-Writer
- ELSA Gladiac 920 (GeForce3)
- SB Audigy Player (OEM)
- 2 x 100mm Case Coolers
- Twin fan drive cooler (on 40 Gb drive)

- Windows 98 SE with IE 6.0
- ALi Magik1 v1.06 chipset drivers
- DirectX 8.1
- NVidia DetonatorXP v21.83 video drivers
- Latest SB Audigy drivers

- Cacheman v5.1 (Brilliant! Download it NOW!)
- NVMax v3.00.72b (GeForce series tweaker)


This is almost IDENTICAL Hardware & Software to my PC and I've been having similar lockups. Sound card combination is what I'm betting on...

Example: Starting the game - big grey screen. Other times the game locks up with the last sound repeating and resetting to the Windows desktop, I could only see the top left portion of my desktop. I managed to get to a and run the famous "@RUNDLL USER.EXE,ExitWindows" to get my PC to power off. (Reboot is "@RUNDLL SHELL.DLL,RestartDialog")

RTC Wolfenstein ran FLAWLESSLY with the highest game settings! I've also enabled the game highest game settings in Allied Assault... I don't like the solution that would "lower" such extras. I didn't spend so much money on such a hardware so that I could turn down the detail!!! FIX THE GAME (soon please)!

I'm going to try the suggestion of "-wavonly" and report back on it.

PS. I have the latest game patch
David Nemeth (Redfox)

512 MB PC2100 RAM
AMD Athlon XP 1600+ (1.4GHz)
ASUS A7M266 Motherboard
NVidia GeForce3
Western Digital 40GB HD
SB Audigy Gamers
Intel Camera Pro
3COM 3C905B-TX
Hauppauage TV Tuner
Plextor CR-RW
Generic 56X CDROM
Saitek Cyborg 3D USB
Logitech Mouse
Creative Modem Blaster DE5625

IE 6.0
DirectX 8.1
Norton AV (does this matter if it's turned off?)
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