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Default 02-25-2002, 02:34 AM

Can't speak for everyone else, but I disable as much as possible before running any hi-end game. So that eliminates one possibility.

I tweak my BIOS settings for greater performance/stability and have had the game crash. I've played my the BIOS quite a bit, even tried running in stability mode (100FSB) and still got crashes.

My "little rig" is as follows...

AMD TBird 1.4
256MB Micron DDR, pc2100
Hercules GeForce 3
2x30GB Maxtor HDD's (RAID-0)
1x40GB Seagate Baracuda HDD
SBLive! 5.1

yep, could very well be SB-related. Though the crash does seem to occur with other audio brand setups, it seems to be much more frequent with SB. A buddy of mine run MoH on a Radeon 8500 w/ onboard audio and NEVER gets crashes. The jealousy is unbearable...

Brolo LIVES at The Tech Zone Forums!
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