02-25-2002, 06:00 AM
MOHAA started crashing for me about 2 weeks ago, especially the two tank missions. It seems to crap out over time or something. I'm getting ready to upgrade, however, here are my system specs for now:
Windows 98 on
256MB Micron DIMMs
Gigabyte GA-BX2000+ Motherboard (Intel Chipset)
2 Seagate EIDE 20GB HDDs
SiS 128 PCI Sound Card
ATI Rage Fury Pro 32MB
CD-RW and CD-Rom, ect, ect...
Upgrade will be:
ABIT TH7II i850 Motherboard
P4 1.8 Northwood
Geforce3 Ti 500
(everything else transfers)
Let you know what happens then...
[This message has been edited by Orlaam (edited February 25, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Orlaam (edited February 25, 2002).]