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true is Offline
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Posts: 26
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-24-2002, 07:42 AM

This is looking to have the same outcome as Tribes 2 (T2), due to the fact that the game has been released with almost identical "bugs". What will happen is that after a few months of people desperately trying to enjoy the game, competition will die with the best teams leaving the ladders.

To avoid this you must do the following:

1) Dedicated Servers: For god's sake allow dedicated servers to be hosted w/o having to run the game itself. In every server i go in, 80% of the people in there have pings above 200, and maybe out of 32 people, 1-2 have pings under 100. If it's not because the servers suck, it's because your netcode needs work, in which case; work on your netcode.

2) Rcon: Some form of admin tool is needed. It's needed not only for competition but to allow admins to keep their servers idiot-free, thus allowing the casual or hardcore gamers to enjoy public play (pubbing). If people can't enjoy pubbing you lose the vast majority of your gaming audience.

3) Cut/Paste IP's: If you're going to force us to use gamespy (this is bad, btw), then at least give us the option of bypassing it by allowing us to PASTE the IP's we copy into the 'connect via IP' window. Having to write it down every time we want direct IP connection is just plain wrong.

4) Alt + Tab: Uh, this is obvious. If i'm in game i can't alt tab to check IRC PM's, ICQ, MSNmsngr, AIM, hell i can't close other programs to make it run more smoothly.

5) Mute/Flood protection: Earlier today i was on a server and some ass is spamming the chat box w/ german taunts. You just can't put taunts in a game w/o a way for people to ignore them.

If i see/think of any more i'll edit the post.

These things badly need to be addressed, otherwise competitive play a la Tribes, CS, RTCW, Q3, etc, will remain a dream, and ladders will fall apart after a few short months, killing the game.

-W- true
Team Wolfpack

[This message has been edited by true (edited January 24, 2002).]
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