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Default 08-21-2003, 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by JBird
*sigh* he said she said. some ppl need to move on. 2 months ago? eek:
I think the point here is that Bazooka cried rape when the forums were taken over. Words have since been exchanged saying those who agreed with it generally did bad.

The flip-side to that is that those who did get mod status saw his post regarding the bans and his excuse for doing it.

He was asked, quite clearly, why he did it (I don't remember anyone saying that he had cleared it with anyone first). His reply was that he had warned them all.

Of course, they all saw this and flipped. I dunno, I'm more inclined to believe 4 people over 1.

And the matter of the fact remains that during BJs time as mod there was far too many locked threads.

You could never reply to a thread because they all seemed to be locked.

On many occasions I would spend ages typing a reply only to be told the thread was locked when I tried to post it.


So, I think that it is understandable that he is being questioned about his actions, despite the fact that nothing can be proved.

From what I read on the MODS forum it looked pretty suspicious to me. Chances are BJ will be given admin status again shortly, and when that happens I would like to know that I am not going to be banned without warning simply because I annoyed 3-4 people enough that they complained to him.
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