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chipsdw is Offline
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Default 08-22-2003, 12:51 AM

if ur trying to get back to the way it was back in the day, why are u making a new "regime". as far back as i remember ppl didnt takeover the fourm... besides some ppl need to grow up. i mean who cares if someone flames u. suck it up for christ sake! i mean come on. all u tards that think you can make this fourm into a Utopia are stupid. being immature is banning someone because of it, or flaming them back which is what usually happens. just say "i respect your opionion however try to express it in a less obscene manner" and usally they will stfu. hacking the fourm is the most immature thing that has ever happened here at so utterly stupid is that i cant believe it. i mean wtf do u think was gonna happen? everyone was going to bow down to antihero?! of course ppl are gonna be pissed off and start more flaming!!! now id post a more organized topic on my views however nazi ed over here will probably delete it.
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