08-22-2003, 06:49 AM
Which side of the fence are you on today? First mods and a/c, then made hacks, then more mods and a/c, then back to hacks, flamed by cookie on PM in some IRC chat, prior to that you and your buddy Dark Magician come onto my Server as |AM|KrautCake (you) and DarkMagician (him, he also changed to foxhoundsniper or some name close to that)...specing you it was obvious you were using a hack of some sort..|AM| stands for Anti-MOH I have read and while I was trying to ban u guys my server got crashed...hmmm....so I am really curious...which side of the fence are you on now? Come on you are a smart dude who knows tons about the program and the ins and outs...we need you to pick a side and stay on it...you control your destiny...do you wanna be remembered as someone who helped the MOHAA Community or hurt it...or both?
Trust takes a long time to earn and can be broken in an instant...get my drift?