Originally Posted by Noctis
My stance:
I think the site was spiraling downward, without much hope of coming out of said spiral. Then the takeover happened. I completely disagree with what went on there. I think Gerard admining anti just to use anti as a puppet to take the blame for his idea was a severe violation of trust. But it can't be argued that the takeover did inject life back into the forums.
However that too was but a brief solution. As a result of the takeover, we've lost several of the prominent community members forever. More and more are falling away every single day because of idiots posting 3 pages of spam or pictures of their mother's feces in every thread. More will leave ten minutes from now, and more will leave tomorrow.
This site needs a whole lot of help if it ever wants to pull up. It needs strong leaders who know what they are doing. I'm sorry, Joe, but an administrator needs to be respected, but not for fear of banishment or for reward of privelage, but instead for the job that they do as an administrator and what they accomplish. Again, I'm sorry, but I think we both know that you'll never be able to garnish the full respect of the community.
I feel like this site is gradually slipping away from even BadScript, and I'm afraid I'm not sure there is anything - short of BadScript appointing a Head Administrator with the necessary access to install critical phpBB2 mods which can allow for this site to be appropriately moderated - that can be done.
All I can suggest is that the community, which I have grown fond of - good and bad both - remain at least in some facet intact. Several members of these boards can be found at [url=http://www.movv.com:e7f69]Noctis Online[/url:e7f69] (Run by myself) and [url=http://www.general-gamers.net]General-Gamers.net[url] (Run by Innoxx and Gerard's brother).
Hopefully, however, BadScript will get a staff in here and grant them the ability to save the site for him.
Great post, hope it comes to pass.