08-22-2003, 10:52 AM
ya know how ppl are always talking about "well its just an internet forum"
well im sick of that bs talk. Yes it is an internet forum! Where we all talk
about common things(ie. general discussion,tech questions,moh,bs etc.)
Everyone who says that crap is just trying to hide their true feelings about
their "real" life and there are some others who actually try to get 70% of
the guys who say"its just an internet forum" to try not to take this ie life so
seriously. Well thats a little hard to do b/c im quite sure alot of the guys
who come here( including me) feel a sense of euphoria(happiness) when
they're posting on this forum. It's fun to be someone else who ure really
not for a change. Thats what the whole freakin internet "community" is all
about nowadays. So some of you ask "Why not leave if u dont like the
biatching and the complaining and moaning around here?". Why not?? B/c
they love this place to a certain degree. Its just like a wife who who has just
found out that her husband was cheating on her with her bestfriend and
then 4give him. Same exact concept. "Most" of the ppl here dont really get
bothered by the spam and flaming. Maybe some do but most don't. I
mean if they really got fed up with it they'd let ya know by atleast coming
to your front door but i dont think these fauks here would do something like that mwah:.
bottom line its not just an internet forum, its your life. And don't try and deny, which i know some of u will, but just try have ure "pridepass" revoked for 5 secs to let that reality sink into ure skull.