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Stinger_Dude is Offline
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Default FUCKING KILL THOSE ROACHES!!! KELL 'EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 08-22-2003, 11:04 AM

Ok so I'm like waking up from bed cause I have to take a piss. I walk to the bathroom to relief myself. I turn on the lights and then walk in side. I look forward and pull down my pyjamas. And then What do I see a fucking coakroach hiding behind a shampoo bottle. I scream out. OMFG this roaches have the highest intelligence ever its like as soon I saw it it backed off behind the bottle as if it knew I saw it. I fucking run out and the roach slowly comes out. HOly shit it scared the bee jeezus out of me. And to fucking think if a nuclear war was to happen those motherfuckers will be still alive while we are rotiing in the ground. I dare not to go to the toilet. I'm fucking scared.
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