Thread: Stop it!
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Default 08-22-2003, 12:31 PM

[quote:2ec16]And yanno what - it's funny, some people cant see beyond this place. What exactly should we HELP people with Rude. I see that come a lot from you. What exactly would you recommend we "vets" (constantly in quotes - gg) do to lend a helping hand. Who comes to OTBS in need of assistance? How many tech threads have there been that have been answered and quickly forgotten? [/quote:2ec16]

This site is not an OTBS site, it's an MOH site. I know MOH is not what is use to be but with MOH:B and MOH:PA , things could get hopping again.

When I say help people out you can do one of two things.

1 answer their questions with an intelligent reply

2 don't answer at all. Leave the smart ass comment at the door.

[quote:2ec16]If anyone HONESTLY thinks the loud-mouthed behavior of a few individuals can deter an entire forum - not just OT but an ENTIRE message board - then you all are giving us more credit in one area, that you dont want to seem to give in others. [/quote:2ec16]

Exactly my point. a few load mouthed individuals make some noise and the noobs join in. Thinking they will be excepted. It's time these individuals relies what they are going and stop. This is what is out of control.

[quote:2ec16]And why the hell SHOULD anyone here lend a helping hand or even try to set an example - theres no support from the admins or mods to do so. Noone says - hey good job on curbing this, or getting rid of that person. All we see are locked threads because, golly, someone just didn't like the topic. Yea. Ok. Sorry if Twizzlers arent interesting to YOU. [/quote:2ec16]

When has any mod had a chance to do this? If a mod tried to lock a post you get 100 "vets" bitching in other threads, that a mod locked my thread about " gays " in the MOH section ( this is just an example )

[quote:2ec16]But you know all this is runnig around in circles to the main obvious point - a few guys cannot, and HAVE NOT derailed this place. That's bullshit. BULL FUCKING SHIT [/quote:2ec16]

Yes a few guys did this. and the noobs wanted to be respected by the outspocken few.

[quote:2ec16]Badscript left. With BS gone, and admins with noone to answer to, things started to get out of control. Members signed up, posted once left; idiots came, got flamed, started more flames, create more imbalance[/quote:2ec16].

Guess what, BS was in contact with the mods. Just didn't post on the boards. however this was a while ago and since then has not been around.

[quote:2ec16]Joe lied. And if he didn't outright lie, then he acted with impetus at the perceived actions of guys he already had beef with. His heart was not in the game, yet instead of stepping aside and allowing new admin to take his place, he simply goes on a sabbatical - yet remaining admin. Of course he has a job when he comes back - which is more than the Wook or the Spooge got. [/quote:2ec16]

OK, this is a he said, he said ( god only knows what would happen if I put he said, she said LOL ). Let's see we have one person who has helped others (JOE ) and someone else with two middle fingers up in the air in his sig. I'll take joes side on this, sorry.

[quote:2ec16]You can call that a petty response if you want, but to just dismiss complaints against mods as "jealousy" or 'hatred' - gimme a break. That shows a weakness in leadership to do so. [/quote:2ec16]

Not if it's the truth. you have people who where bitter by someone being appointed a moderator. To me it shows weakness on the member of this forum to act like a child because he did not get picked.

One thing to set the record straight.

When BS came to me and asked who should be a moderator. I gave them several names.

Ed - yes ed you can all start breathing again.
Strik0r - yes strik0r
Joe - yes I submitted his name as well to BS and glad I did
Gerrard - I also submitted his name as well.

BS then took some time and looked at the posts, from the ones mentioned above. BS picked Joe because at that time joe was kicking ass in the forums helping others with MOH and guess what. This is a MOH site.

One last thing and sorry to go on like this. If I had a chance to to admin this site. I would pick these people to mod it. Everyone better sit down.

Just to name a few.

I don't always agree with Ed and Stik0r but as much as they bitch about the forums I understand they are a big part of them. I also know how to look past or ignore some of there comments. I don't take them personally and most of you should not, but come on guys you need to know that a lot of the newer members will follow the loudest good or bad.

I also hope everyone understands that many things are said because of how they feel towards this goes for Joe, Ed, strik0r and myself . Just don't take them personally. We can all make a difference with or without moderators / admins.

Just show some respect even if you don't like a person. The respect could simply be not replying to a post.

Sorry for all the quotes as well.
Sorry for all the quotes as well.

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
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