08-22-2003, 12:51 PM
Here's the thing that I just cant wrap my head around - understandably this is a MOH site. That's what gets the folks in. But how in goodness name is OT STILL connected to MOH when it is just that. . .OT. That makes no sense to me. If someone wants to say - yanno what Off Topic should be this this this and this, and none of this - then fine some of us will curb our enthusiasm. As it is, some of the more "nonsensical" post are the funnest. Hell there was a post inciting a flame - but it was done in good intentions to ONLY have fun. Yet it was locked.
And yea, the n00bs hop on here and try to emulate the laid back style and irreverence of the "vets", but isn't it the mods job to step in and say - that's not accepted here, and dish out bans or whatnot? If our actions are incredibly horrible then by all means ban ban ban the man.