08-22-2003, 01:19 PM
Exactly, it IS like a virus because it spreads into the rest of the forum. It is well known my problem with the vets is because of this. Elitest mentality or ego problems or whatever you want to call it, it turns into a competition whenever someone new comes to the forums and tries to ask a question. As you may or may not notice I don't frequent the forum much, I have an average of a little over 1 post a day. I used to come here to help whenever I could but every thread I posted in was overshadowed by the constant flames from...big surprise, the spammers. This is a fustrating thing indeed and trying to fend off the negativity here with little to no support is a pain in the ass. So I just try to put the idiots in their place from time to time. It's fun watching them squirm.