08-22-2003, 04:55 PM
[quote:79e6c]Ydiss, I was actually considering you as one of the good vets. After posting my original post, I wanted to change it to say "several vets," but was not able to do so. Sorry for what seems like a generalization. But there really is no denying that there are several members here who seem to go out of their way to be rude to everyone.[/quote:79e6c]
Yanno if people would just come out and say who they have beef with and WHY then we might be able to work towards addressing that.
And people have GOT TO REALIZE the ages here start from 12 and go all the way up to [url=http://www.allaboutnothing.net:79e6c]176[/url:79e6c]. This is not an excuse for the profanity laden posts but you guys have got to stop being so definite in your judgements of people and start to look at whos posting what. If anyone here told me they didnt drop the F Bomb as a valid crit, or that they didnt speak before thinking then ill call yas a liar.