Originally Posted by Judas
I didnt ask to be a part of the takeover, i was picked. Id never want to mod this place because it would be too much of a pain in the ass, and id rather spend my time doing something else.
My anger towards joe comes from having to put up with his bullshit daily on the aa.com server and letting tons of shit slide because he was a "vet", or aa.com member, and i felt he should be treated differently. Then, i wasnt given the same treatment and band simply because i pissed him off. It has nothing to do with respect. I didnt respect joe then, and i sure as hell dont respect him now. Imo, he didnt do much to gain anyones respect with coming here and acting like a child with something everyone else didnt have.
If stepping up and voicing my opinion makes me a follower, then its something im not ashamed of. Id have to say not doing so would make me a coward. Whether or not the way i expressed my concern was acceptable to some people on this board is not something im much concerned with. This is a public forum ...
In all honesty, i dont much care who runs this place, i just wanna come here and have fun. imo joe and zoner kept us from doing that, vets and non-vets. And i also didnt agree with a lot of the things the other mods did either, banning sclass for one. Respecting the mods and pointing out when they are making things unbearable for others is not the same thing. If only one person complained it might be different, but there were plently that didnt like the way things were going, not just the "vets". Even joe himself posted in the mod private that he had abused his privelages.
So, im not sure what to think about your post rude. Some parts i agree with and some i do not, but its much different to be on the other side ?
Note AAN :
Having the fact that i was a aa.com admin and asked to uphold certain values while admining the server thrown in my face everytime i have something to say someone else doesnt like is getting a bit boring to me.
Just because i did what someone asked me to do doesnt mean thats who i am, like it or not.
But at the same time, you could have just given up the position, all you needed to do was go into you new administration profile, and de-mod yourself, but you didn't, even though you knew the position didn't come to you legit. That's the problem.