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Default 08-22-2003, 08:09 PM

I love these "who should be mod" threads. Everyone either volunteers or picks 2 or 3 people(most of the time those 2 or three would probably be a good mod). But the problem is once someone becomes a mod around here it seems they spend more time defending their modding then actually modding. Some threads should be locked... some people should be censured.. some people should be banned.
You cannot and should not expect the people that a Modding to always do what you think is right. But you can intelligently discuss what you think needs to be changed. If it does'nt change, too bad, so sad, move on.

There are lots of interesting people here. In the past I enjoyed being part of this site. If a Mod told me to stop flaming, I stopped. if a thread of mine got locked, I moved on no biggy.

So for all of you that think that you want to be mod here, good luck. I hope that people can show you a little respect.
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