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Default 01-24-2002, 10:34 AM

I have to say, I think alot of it is because of server admins running listen servers, & overloading their bandwidth. I've been on servers with sub 100 pings on cable with like a 6 or 8 player limit & it has been fairly lag free. But thats not the story all the time. I too have wondered why I don't see more sub-100 ping servers listed in GS Asscade. <<<--< Did I say that?? :P

I guess my lag tolerance is higher than some peoples, If I really wanna play bad well, sometimes I have to check out 3 or 4 servers before I find one that's playable. I met online a guy in florida on RR cable & have been playing with him & his brothers & buds & all of us are < 100 pingers & it's usually pretty lag free. But I did notice tonight that once a 9th person joined thir server it started lagging. Anyway, I definately think it could be ALOT better. But I have been able to get alot of enjoyment out of the game also, so far. ***See my post on the cheaters thread though. That's a whole different topic.. <rolleyes>
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