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Capt_CruncH is Offline
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Posts: 209
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-24-2002, 10:44 AM

I once downloaded a 200mb demo on dial up. But your point is taken.
before retail-everyone was 20-120
after retail-there are more 200+ on the good servers then ever.
I still get my 20-120 though. So alot of time people are standing still and I pistol whip em.
Im retiring from the game for a while till they fix the myriad of problem, and by then another game will have my interest.

EA=shitty rushed games
btw-why the fuck they put lean in the demo and not in the retail game? I stand by my statement that for a MP game the demo is still better.

EA SUCKS! Wanna know why people have/are leaving 2015? EA EA EA EA
I seen EA push out the greats and dumb down games. I seen the completly obliterate UO. Ive seen EA force programmers to half ass localize games while ruining the atmosphere for anyone who aint asian(is that what they want to be called this year?).
EA sucks ass!

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