Thread: Cpt.Obvious
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Default 08-24-2003, 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
This shouldn't be a pissing contest between two forums. This thread is about a guy posting a "pile of shit" as a spamming reply. Take it from where it's coming from. I too, think it's bullshit to see a "pile of shit" in every other reply. The reason it's tolarated here because there is no law. It's a lawless land here fella's......thread carefully.
Shortly there will be a law, and I am one of the mods (to be) and I won't tollerate senseless spam like that no matter who it is, unless it's done with tasteful humour.

But, I imagine I won't have to put up with it once there are mods around because Mr O admitted to only doing it because there are no mods here.

/shrug seems like pissing on an inferno to teach it a lesson, to me.
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