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Default 01-25-2002, 01:40 AM


I had a horrible ping playing the DEMO version, and it cleared up as soon as I installed the full-version. True some servers have high pings - but please, anything 450 and under shouldnt make THAT much of a dent in your speed and ability to frag individuals in the server. It would be nice if a good net-code was installed on this so you dont suffer for others mistakes, but as I've said I havent experienced too many problems.

As far as the car analogy is concerned, please. Apples and oranges. Cars go through a myriad of tests and protocols before they are put on the market because of the liabilities involved with these machines. Programmers do not face the same expecatations involved in the automotive industry. There are a TON of unforseen problems that arise when a game is put out. There is NO GAME that has been released that hasnt required a patch at some point in its life. It's not possible - there are far too many variables to account for in the real world that arent able to be addressed in a computer-lab somewhere. Or would you rather wait 4 or 5 years for this game to come out. All in all, 2015 did more than a good job with getting this game out - it's more SP than MP structured at the moment, so you'll see more praise for its SP aspects than its MP. But give it time. Right now there are equal (if not more people) playing the combined demo, and Full Version. As soon as the tools are available this game is going to busted wide open.

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