Thread: scripting help?
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bluebrooks is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 08-25-2003, 01:11 PM

i never figured out how to change the respawn time, but i would think that there has to be a setting somewhere.

as for the explosions, yes you do this fairly easily with a little scripting.
a) get the coordinates of where you want the explosions to be.
b) write a little thread into destroyed village that spawns them every random amount of seconds.

it would something like...

//(put this part at the main script section
thread crazy_explosions

//(put this part after the main section and before the very bottom
local.waittime = randomint(45) + 15 // gets random # between 15 & 60
wait local.waittime
spawn fx/explosion/mine.tik "origin" "x y z" //where x,y,&z are the coords
// (i just guessed on the tiki file name above)
goto crazy_exlosions
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