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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 08-25-2003, 02:08 PM

Maybe a history book in the making...yup Ed started the server..RD received the blessing of BS...and up it went. The original old school crew were:

Cerebral ASSassin
Von Meyer
Fidel Castro
DOA BallBuster
DOA Meatgrinder
Teh Deadman
yes even Old Reliable with his funny ass Finnish names
and im sure im missing a few, but those were the ones standing out. Now RD needed some cops so he taped Judas and I to watch things...and watch we did with a vigilance, upholding the law of RD and running things how he wanted it done. Now i see the history divided into dynasties if you will. We have the establishment or Stone Age. Judas, RD and I testing maps, figuring out rcon stuff server settings, etc...

Teh next phase was the Golden Age of AA.COM. Saturday night games were established, same guys fragging all the time, growing, Broken Silence, LOL V2, Titliest, rifle only nights, the pistol draws, etc...

Then comes the Decline..IMO...alot of new faces, which isnt bad (but bad for competitve SOBs like myself. Ego alert. It was so bad that when i joined the server it emptied. I had to smurf from then on oOo: )..or the new school kids if you will. The Chicken Boos, Montereys, OldGuys, Major Winters etc...At that point I moved on to stock play, had my own server to run and team as well. RD was busy as well so Judas was running the show for the most part. RD then appointed Joe an admin.... oOo: Soon after RD closed down shop and the new school kids went on to form AAN.

Now i personally dont have anything against AAN. But, Ive had more neagative experiences on their server then i had posistive (I still get kicked for doing well oOo: when i play on their server). So in the end its different strokes for different folks. But yeah ED, it was your idea, but id like to think me RD and Judas, and RD in particular really ran with it. Now all the old school guys play on the aM server and whore our TS, curse, cuss, frag and have fun. No worries about being PC, or offending anyone in the REAL camp...we have thick skin happy: flame away kiddies!!! Uncle Forge pwnz you all.......
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