08-25-2003, 04:12 PM
Ydiss, LLC camping...I dont now what the hell your talking about.....I never camp, maybe I should have..but dont.
Ed, AAN problems.....dont know why you have them, lots don't. I give you that it was you who helped to give us a place to meet. POAAC 4 life sucka AAN was started by ChickenBoo and Myself.
Dan, Just as I dont have problems when i do jump on aM, I dont recall ever kicking, or hearing about a member of LLC kicking you or any one else , just because they were doing good. Anyway the anti-cursing thing has to do w/ the fact that we lots of people w/ kids playing along side them on the server and we dont think that you need to type swear words in-game to play. I personaly have tough skin....and enjoy my stock play lssons every time I get on aM. Anyway frag on.