08-25-2003, 04:50 PM
Same ol' pissing matches, I see. oOo:
WF, sorry if your reputation follows you and every accuses you of cheating, but I sincerely doubt that you'd be called a cheater on AAN if you weren't smurfing. One of the reasons so many of us respected you was because you didn't and, for all I know, still don't cheat (don't take that out of context either... merely pointing out that I know nothing of the way you play these days). But not knowing who you are and with the amount of cheats that surround MOH to date, it's quite easy to make the assumption. However, I might ask if you checked your console after being kicked from the server. Are you sure you didn't hit that three-TK limit? Or possibly another one of EA's wonderful caveats of dropping clients for inactivity while in the midst of an intense battle (would show up as "dropped for inactivity")?
I remember playing along side Spearhead and Geritol and don't remember anyone kicking either of you. eek: