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painkiller44 is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 10:10 AM

People, what is the matter with all of you. Havent you ever played games online before???

The patch is an update for the game, which everyone can install, it is not server-side only. Usually patches add features, fix bugs and just on a whole, update the game.

Not everyone has to install the patch, but it would be stupid not to, not to mention, you wouldnt be able to play on all servers running the new patch if you didnt update yours. Im sure right now there are plenty of servers still using the original game without the patch, so you may be able to join games now, but wait till everyone hears there is a patch. Then you will have a problem. I suggest you DL it now, and wait till you see everyone is running the patch to install. You will want to install it.

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