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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Marietta, GA
Default 08-26-2003, 08:19 AM

Dang, I'm gonna have to start coming around more often. Y'all crack me up!

Judas, I miss MOHAA during lunch - we had some fun back then. I miss Von too. Good times. I guess I don't understand the comments about how the server used to be fun until it got too clean. The reason alot of us ended up playing on more than anywhere else was because it was clean and the folks were helpful. It was the only server where guys weren't constantly typing in curses and if you had a question they would answer it.

As for the forums, they always had an edge to them but they were always funny, never pornographic and the cussing was not rampant. They were never mean spirited and questions about the game were always answered with patience and a genuine desire to help out.
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