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Default 08-26-2003, 10:05 AM

BS, please replace me as mod here. I had a lot of plans and suggestions to make to the mod team and was looking forward to trying to make this place fairer for everyone - I was hoping it would be a fresh start whereby new rules would be agreed and everyone would have a chance to adhere to them, along with a fair and consistent punishment system (you know fullwell there's not been a consistency to banning and warning here for a very long time) so that everyone would be treated the same.

However, I see that such an idealistic situation was not in your agenda, and as such you've taken what action you felt necessary (as is your right, of course).

I'm dissapointed that you did not allow the new mod team to even start before you made these actions. Consequently I have been unable to propose my ideas and I have now seen a large amount of my friends here been banned.

Whilst I agree they have contravened your rules frequently in the past they are certainly not the only ones. To ban only them and no one else is not fair. Particularly because they have frequently complained and stated their opinions about how this place has been run for the last 8 months.

You've ignored the complaints about Bazooka Joe, in particular. Whether any were made directly to you, I don't know, but it is plainly evident that a huge ammount of dissent here originated from reaction to his modding methods.

I am in no way pinning all of the blame on him, because that would be grossly unfair, but the fact that he seems to have not been even fed-back or suggested different methods to controlling these forums shows a totall lack of regard for the members here, and that's not just the "vets", as the saying goes these days.

I disagreed a lot with the way BJ admined here - I had a lot of suggestions for him to maybe help him (if he didn't just ignore them) and at that stage possibly the modding team could have started fresh.

If a compromise was reached and still ED, Gerv, Tripper et all continued to cause disruption then they would have been dealt with in the process that could have been in place.

So, I'm refusing the mod position as I don't think what has happened is fair and I do not want to be a part of that. It is only a forum for a game, as you say, but I hold a lot of trust in my judgment of what is important; Friendship, fairness and consistency are important to me, wherever they are applied.

I just think it is skewed that you allow a forum to be moderated by a person who acts in a way that the vast majority of the users disagree with and yet you ban those who have expressed their concerns about him time and time again - That person is given another chance to mod, and yet those members, who's complaints were totally ignored, are being banned because they spoke up and hit a brick wall.

Why should they behave if they're ignored for over 8 months?

As I said before you came back, it is a shame that only the events that occured just recently were enough to get you to turn your attention to this place.

You've accepted some responsibility for the decline here and you do pay for this site... However, you don't pay for it to rot. There is a community here that needs a good strong group of adult, mature and reasonable mods that don't fucking contribute to the flame wars and spam as much as the offenders do - and that is aimed at no one particular person.

Much much more could have been done to allow the older and newer members here get along and adhere to the rules. It wasn't and I think that everyone, and I mean everyone should have been given a chance to start again under new management.

As it stands, I wasn't even given a chance to make a difference - That is what dissapoints me the most.
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