08-26-2003, 10:23 AM
I would say towards the end of your first career you went down the road that so many others have gone - slagging the site and questioning its relevance on one hand, and trying to "appeal" to the masses on the other hand. To me, if you're frustrated with the site, or feel it has no merit or whatever - even if its for a moment, it might be time to step down.
At some point the locked threads, and the OVER OBVIOUS PRESENCE of moderation became too much. A locked thread pic was funny the first time Loctis did it, but the numerous other clones and the unneccesary barbs injected just pushed it over the edge. Like i said, you as a moderator became too obvious and it rubbed people the wrong way. The only person who succesfully pulled that off was the BallWook.
The most I could think of someone saying to me regarding my actions is that I'm what - loud mouthed? That's it? Cant remember any spam, or any porn (lately, and that was almost a year ago), or any flames - and no typing long winded replies and going back and forth with someone is NOT a flame constrary to what the Joe Administration would have you all believe.